Create an ERC-20 Token

A very simple project to launch/access your own ERC20 Contract Address, login with metamask & connect with solidity methods available

const { ERC20Contract } = require("bepro-js");

/* Create Instance */
let erc20Contract = new ERC20Contract(
{tokenAddress : "0x7a7748bd6f9bac76c2f3fcb29723227e3376cbb2", 
opt : { web3Connection : '' } });

/* Login with Metamask/Web3 Wallet */
await erc20Contract.login();

/* Deploy ERC20 Contract */
let res = await erc20Contract.deploy({
    name: "YOUR_TOKEN_NAME",
    symbol: "YOUR_TOKEN_SYMBOL",
    cap: 1000000*10**18 // 1M Tokens with 18 decimals ,
    distributionAddress: "0xYOUR_DISTRO_ADDRESS", //local test with ganache

/* Access methods easily */
let totalSupply = await erc20Contract.totalSupply();

Looking for more functions?

See all available functions here

Last updated